Yellow Label is the signature of Veuve Clicquot. It manages to reconcile two opposing factors - strength & silkiness - and hold them in perfect balance with aromatic intensity and a lot of freshness.
ON THE EYES: Golden-yellow, with a foaming necklace of tiny bubbles.
ON THE NOSE: Yellow and white fruits, then notes of vanilla and later of brioche.
ON THE PALATE: Freshness and strength while pear and lemon tastes appear.
THE FINISH: Admirably vinous. The lingering aromas echo and re-echo, with each fruit or almond notes distinct. Ideal as an aperitif, and perfect as the Champagne to enjoy with a meal.
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Veuve Clicquot
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Pinot Noir (50 to 55%), Chardonnay (28-33%), Meunier (15 to 20%)
Veuve Clicquot
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